Thursday, October 17, 2013

Calorie Careful Comfort Food

As the temperatures drop, my need for warm delicious cozy food skyrockets! While I am total sucker for classics like baked potato soup, mac and cheese and creamy tomato soup with ooey gooey grilled cheese- I am also still craving to be healthy and keep off the cold weather insulation aka weight gain.
Many times I get asked for recipes...the truth is I never really keep track.  For me, cooking is like painting...I just make it up as I go along and see what inspires me.  I keep track of calories, fat and nutritional value, but never really designed a recipe...until now. 
This week I paid attention! Kept track of ingredients and decided to share with you 3 of my most delectable, most healthy dishes of the week!  Not only are they healthy, low cal and insanely delicious...they are pretty too!  (Since we eat with our eyes first!)

Let's start with my Creamy Curried Chicken Tomato Soup
*This starts by baking some boneless skinless chicken breasts in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes. Before baking, dust with garlic salt, pepper, paprika and curry powder.
*Next prepare some Campbell's Classic Tomato Soup with water- I use the healthy choice option with lower sodium
*To the soup, add a minced garlic clove, 2 cups of organic fresh spinach, 1tsp crushed red pepper, salt and pepper
*Once soup is heated and combined, lower temp to simmer and add 2tbls whipped low fat cream cheese and stir until well blended (Kroger offers a Greek yogurt cream cheese that I love!)
*When the chicken is done, shred or chunk and add to soup
*Let simmer for 5 minutes before serving with a dried basil sprinkle on top and a dash of hot sauce for a kick if you like!
Next- Chickpea Cheese Burger
This is a totally simple lunch or dinner idea with tons of flavor and protein!
*Toast a Thomas's English Muffin (Multi-Grain Triple Health)
*Heat a Morning Star Mediterranean Chick Pea Veggie Burger in the microwave
*Add 1/4 cup of crumbled goat cheese to the burger in the last 30 seconds of heating
*When English muffin is finished toasting, take one wedge of Laughing Cow Garlic and Herb spread and spread over top and bottom
*Place burger on bottom and top with fresh organic spinach and arugula blend and sliced cucumbers
*Dash of Lawrys Garlic Salt
*1 tsp spicy mustard
*Top it, eat it, Love it!
Finally, the soup I have been eating on ALL week because it's just too good!! Spanish Bean Soup
This beauty takes some time and prep, but it's so worth it!  And there is enough to feed ya all week and make recreations!
While canned beans are faster and ok, I use dry beans and let them soak over night in a water bath.
*2 cups beans 1/2 garbanzo 1/2 black
*1 box of chicken stock (16oz)
*Combine in crock pot or slow cooker
*add 3 minced garlic cloves
*Add 1/4 cup sofrito (I used the Goya jar)
*2 tbls adobo powder
*3 cups spinach
*1 diced tomato
*3 red potatoes diced
*1tsp paprika
*salt and pepper to taste
*pinch of saffron
*1tsp cumin
Let her sit and simmer on low for at least 8 hours, stirring occasionally. Make sure beans are well cooked before serving.  The first night I ate it, I chopped some chicken sausage into it, the next day was as is after staying on warm in the crock pot overnight again and half the day. Today I am adding some yellow rice.  This can be altered and revamped every day and be just as delicious!
I promise to keep track of my cooking adventures if you promise to try them and let me know what you think! My goal is to prove that healthy and tasty came be one in the same.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Gifts for Grandmas

I just started a project for John's MorMor and my Mamaw for Christmas presents. I realize it's not even Halloween yet, but handmade love-filled gifts do take time.  
I was taught to crochet a few years ago from a friend at work.  Her name was Brandy and she used to really love to crochet and was very good at it. She told me once she thought teaching people was a waste of time because they never really stick with it.  I kept my word and I continue to crochet even though I only know the one stitch she taught me! (Coasters and scarves for everyone!) I never pick up yarn and a needle without thinking of her. It's funny how people have an impact.  Draw a little picture in your memory that will always have them create a chapter in the story of your life.
Just like these wonderful women who have inspired this post and these gifts. 
Mamaw is my mothers mother. She is very sweet and I don't think I have ever heard her raise her voice. She makes incredible biscuits as any good Southern woman does..and she taught me when I was younger too. She collects pewter and loves shopping at the dollar store. She is getting older and losing her memory a little more every day.  It's a growing fear of mine that someday she won't remember me. I am so excited that we have decided to go visit her as part of our Honeymoon. She lives in an assisted living home and I'd love to see where she is spending her time. I am taken back to her old house when I was small.  She used to put snow in a jar so when we would go visit her in Tennessee she would have some for me.  She had grape vines in the back yard and me and my cousins would go play in between the leaves even though there were dangerous amounts of bees.  One time she saved us the honeycomb and I remember being so excited but not wanting to eat it because I thought it was the bees poo.  Lightning bugs used to sparkle outside the front yard and later on when I was in college, we would go to the Chinese buffet and walk down memory lane.  She is very special and my childhood had some very happy moments because of her.
MorMor and I couldn't really communicate because of the language barrier.  She also couldn't see me.  But we managed to be fond of one another and still find a way.  She wears a bright red sweater and her smile is contagious. Her eyes twinkle and she loves to boil potatoes for dinner. John told me she used to drive a small car like she stole it and work even in her older age at properties they had around Denmark.  She likes to gamble a little and was so tickled when we gave her ink pens with flowers on them so she could feel them when she needed a pen. She likes to talk on the phone and drink coffee. She also likes cookies before bed and will get out of bed for a Danish pastry similar to Kringle!
I am so happy to make them a special gift and remind them that I hope I make a memory for them that keeps them warm. The memories they have given me have warmed my heart and I cherish them always.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Fall in Love with Walking off Fall

It took me a while to really fall in love with Colorado. We have been here nearly 2 years and while winters still make me crazy and clumsy...I really do love the Fall. It's utterly beautiful here with all the leaves changing colors, the cool breeze and the sound of the Aspen trees clicking. It's cool enough to break out the sweaters but warm enough to pair them with jeans and flip flops.

You may or may not know that I have lost a considerable amount of weight in the last few years. What you also may or may not know is that my workout of choice is simple, free, easy and effective...WALKING!  Fall is a great time to bust out the sneakers and sweats and go, well- anywhere!  Winter provides it's fair share of challenges here in Colorado, Summer gets sweltering and Spring is lovely until the rain comes.  While I find days in all seasons to just walk, Fall is consistent every single day.
I also love walking off the calories that seem to start to increase in the fall.  As soon as September rolls around, Starbucks decides to unleash the Pumpkin Spice Latte and tempt me at every corner. While I have found a nice alternative (venti fat free latte with one pump pumpkin and one pump sugar free vanilla with a shake or 2 of cinnamon) to cut the caloric massacre...It still adds calories not normally hanging around my midsection.  So what's a girl to do?  WALK to Starbucks and walk back to wherever you came from!  Or simply enjoy on your walk and take in the season.  For my Floridians...iced and pretend.
Then comes my birthday...end of September and it never fails!  Cake, candies, dinners and particular, my beloved pumpkin beer!  It never ends!  And while I embrace getting older, I don't appreciate the repercussions of my eating and drinking habits and how it takes WAY more work these days to undo bad decisions. Walking every day before, during and after tends to fight off the battle of the bulge and reduce the side of guilt I have with every fork full of buttercream. Not to mention sunshine and good ol' vitamin D helps with hangovers...I promise!
Halloween doesn't get me like it used to...unless there are candy corn pumpkins and whoppers involved. Then I better walk extra long distances while enjoying them and watching the trick or treaters and visiting the neighborhood haunted houses. But remember it's only a day and walk without them after that night.
Let us not forget that fall means football!  Every Sunday the temptation of wings and beer consume me beyond control. Pizza makes an appearance in my imagination and chips and dip suddenly become like taste bud gold. A pint of Ben and Jerry's Phish Food is the perfect way to round out Sunday night and possibly a treat for Monday Night Football. I am beginning to understand why at one point I was 240lbs... Football doesn't start until 11am Sunday morning so walk on girl! Take a long walk or hike...get into the trees and admire the show mother nature is putting on! Enjoy the breeze and the sun before you enjoy watching athletes instead of being one.
Thanksgiving. Do we really need to go into all that Thanksgiving offers? The many temptations of this holiday are not to be ignored, but enjoyed. The holiday has become more about the food and eating than the real meaning...and it only comes once a year.  Enjoy. But then...take a walk!
Walking may seem to be way too easy...and there are faster ways to lose the weight...but if you are about enjoying life, like me...there is nothing more enjoyable than a good long walk. Add ankle or wrist weights if you choose. Go on a hike with hills...but be outside and enjoy what a simple walk has to offer. You'll also notice that it offers a little extra space in your Levi's too!  (As seen in some photos from the last few Falls below)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Endless Possibilities

   It's been an insane couple of weeks. Many changes have come my way. I lost my job, started this blog, went to Europe, got engaged and now in the less than a week that we have been home, I have nearly planned the entire wedding, lost the 8 vacation pounds I packed on, applied for 22 jobs and even got myself a part time job while I am looking. I also found other creative ways to make a little cash in the meantime by signing up for a research company who pays folks to go to focus groups, taste tests and opinion polls. I have been researching how to make money on my words here through my blog ( ah,hem...please register to follow me on this blog by the way) and I have signed up to see if any of my photography is worth buying. I signed up for the next available volunteer class for the Humane Society and am toying with the idea of hanging "dog walker" flyers in my apartment complex.
   I complain sometimes about my inability to relax, but I am not quite sure I know how to. Maybe I enjoy the constant go go go of being busy.
   This wedding is so exciting I'd rather get it all planned out now so I can enjoy it all during and later. After all, I have only thought about this day a trazillion billion times.
   The quest for a job or at least ways to bring in some cash flow are because I cannot just simply not earn my keep- my pride won't allow it. We have been smart with our money so no real danger or worry is present, but it's beside the point in my eyes. Plus I just enjoy working. I also like to prove that jobs are out there...for all those who say there aren't.  I applied, interviewed and accepted a part-time job all in a matter of 3 days this week. It can be done. I'd rather have a little money I earned than a hand out or nothing at all.
   I am interested to see if my creativity and outlets can turn into a business where I am my own boss. Maybe my silly words are just for me, but I think maybe there are others who feel like I do and might take comfort from the words of a nobody who refuses to be a nobody. I feel the same way about my photographs...I take pictures of food, travel, my dog...the front yard! Life is captured in a photo diary of sorts, but yet,  I still always seem to google an image at least once a day. Maybe my images might be what someone else is looking for too!
   Volunteering just seems natural with time on my hands and I cannot think of anything that means more to me than what the Humane Society does. Be the voice for those who don't have one. Care for those who cannot care for themselves and help the helpless. I wanted to get in this week with the cold snap approaching, but classes are full until after the 8th...that means other people are volunteering too so that brings warmth to my animal-loving heart.
   The point of my rambling is that possibilities are everywhere! Whether it be personal goals, career paths, charity, time, events or dealing with just another are the captain of your own ship. There are always opportunities all around and while clouds may be present- they always have a silver lining. There is always something to be thankful for, fortunate about and something to go after. Bad situations or times are just the fuel you need to drive to the good that's waiting around the corner.  Being busy is being happy...being active...taking advantage of what every day has to offer.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

An American Girl in Denmark

Aaaaaand we're back!  Jet lag is crazy and my internal clock is still completely confused, but we are home. To say the trip was magical, incredible, amazing, perfect and wonderful would be understatements. There really are no words to describe it. It was just that good. Denmark is a beautiful country with so much to offer. From seaside villages, rolling hills, farms, cities, fashion, people, food and history- it had it all and then some.

Ocean front...the Danish flag raised in honor of my birthday @ John's Aunt and Uncle's house
The trip started with my first international flight and getting to use my passport. It's such a small simple thing that really shouldn't mean much, but for me, it was exciting!  Handing over that little blue book was proof that I had accomplished getting across an ocean to see another piece of this great big world. While the customs folks could totally use a lesson in pleasantries and customer service, it was an experience I won't soon forget. I found myself several times looking at the stamps and running my fingers over the thick threaded pages just taking in the delicious feeling of having my ticket to roam.
Speaking of fingers...the first day in Copenhagen turned into the best night of my life to date. After a much needed nap, exploring the city and eating the most delectable hot dog ever encased- we headed to Tivoli. I had read about the carousel and how it was classic, bright, engaging and historic. I have always had a soft spot for the ornate carved animals and the music. Something about the twirling spins of a merry-go-round brings back childhood complete with cotton candy smells and squeals of delight. My Johnny was on a mission to find it straight away although unwilling to ride it. I tried to convince him...there was a camel just waiting for us!  Complete with humps and my dramatic interpretation of the "hump day" commercial complete with the "Whooo Whooo!" did little to convince him to hop on. So instead we took a seat on the shiny cobalt tiles that housed beautiful pink flowers and mounds of green plants and watched the camel come around every other second to the sounds of music and in the shadow of the bright twinkling lights.
It was then that he began to ask the most important question I'll ever be asked..." So I was thinking..."  As I saw the cherry red wooden box emerge from his coat pocket, I swear time stood still.  Everything disappeared and I may have gone deaf momentarily. I felt tears running down my cheeks and as he dipped to one knee before me I unraveled into sobs of joy. He spoke the sweetest words I'll never share (they are only ours) and placed a stunning ring onto my left hand. He's made fun of my "old lady hands" for ages and as he placed the ring securely on my finger, I just knew a joke was coming about it...but instead he kissed me and my world became infinitely better as I was now John's fiance. He then followed it up with " We should get some wings...for the rest of our life!" (Our favorite dinner and just about every date night, wings are a staple) I don't even remember if I said yes...he had to ask me again later over ice cream and fireworks to which I know I actually responded this time. YES!
The excitement continued through fireworks and calling my family and best friend...the best part is we still had an entire vacation ahead and an entire country to see and families to meet! I was so enchanted by all of the family. Aunts, Uncles, cousins, children...and especially...MorMor. She was as cute as can be and had a kind smile. She cannot speak English and she is almost completely blind, yet we found ways to communicate and spend many breakfast mornings with her. Her warmth and her laugh are blessings to me now and I am so glad I got to meet her. She was one of the firsts to learn of our engagement and she told us about how she met her own husband. John was great at translating for me and his relationship with her was touching. I fell even more in love with him as I watched him with her. He played on her piano, rehashed old stories, told me about the little antiques that decorated her apartment that she has lived in for 70 years! We drank coffee and ate pastries and reminisced about the family and past visits. It was such a special time. I am so thankful we took the majority of the time to spend with her and that I was able to get to know the woman John has spoken of so many times.
We had many adventures...delicious foods, sailing a real Viking ship, seeing countrysides and ocean stretches. We saw thousands of jellyfish that glow in the dark cold waters but don't actually sting. We drove over crazy long bridges and dodged a world of bicycles. We enjoyed a quiet bed and breakfast in the country and the beautiful bustling city.  We ate way too much candy and drank our fair share of Danish beers. We visited a free town where artists come together to live an alternative life...complete with marijuana and organic beers and less than conventional ways of living. We toured castles and churches older than the United States. We saw the royal palace. We went to a deer park where huge bucks were feet away from us- completely enraptured in the beauty surrounding them and not at all concerned with us.We went to see the famous little mermaid and then to pay our respects to Hans Christian Andersen at his grave. We went to one of the most famous museums in the world and saw an exhibit from Yoko Ono. We made a wish on a wishing tree overlooking the ocean. We laughed, we strolled the streets hand in hand, we tried to find wifi and more candy, we took pictures, mispronounced many words, made memories and soaked in the place that makes up a little of both of us.

While the differences in language, currency, rules and manners were slightly intimidating at first, I found myself feeling quite comfortable soon after our arrival. This was like a second home to John. He and his warm, welcoming family made me feel so right at home. I saw many faces that resembled my own and my grandmothers.  I felt the spirit of my roots planting deep in this place I cannot wait to visit again.